Product Registration

Last update on 16th, May, 2023

What is the product registration policy?

In order to make AIKE's Support more accessible to every client, no matter where you've placed order from, you are eligible to register your products on AIKE Direct Store to activate product warranty and access professional support.

Please register your products within 14 days after you purchase the product. Once you've successfully registered your products on this site, its warranty will be activated. However, if you don't receive the products, please refer to our policy to find solutions.

Where can I register my products and how?

To register your products, you can click this link. You will only need to provide some basic information about your purchase to get your products successfully registered. 

Do I need to register my products one by one when I buy in bulk?

No, you don't need to register products one by one when you buy in bulk. You just need to input your order number then all the items included in that order will be known and then activated. 

What can I get if I register my machines on this site?

AIKE encourages every clients to register their machines on this site so we can deliver more direct and quick response to any warranty-related issues. And every client does benefit from successful machine registration. For more details about the benefits, you can refer to this page.

Am I able to enjoy warranty service if I don't register my products?

Yes, you can still enjoy our warranty policy based on platforms you've bought your products from even though you don't register your products on this site. On this site, we offer 2-year warranty policy for hand dryers and 1-year for other products. And you are allowed to activate your warranty within 14 days on this site since the day you purchase the product.